Living Hope Resources

“Follow me.”  With these two words, Jesus invited Simon Peter to become one of his first disciples.  A leader among the twelve, Peter is known for his denial of Jesus during Jesus’ trial, recorded by all 4 gospel writers.  John 21 records the restoration of Peter by Jesus and Jesus’ invitation to Peter to once again “follow me”. Peter went on to be a leader among the early church, used by God to bring over 5000 people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Near the end of his life, Peter wrote two letters to churches located in what is modern-day Turkey.  In his letters, Peter wrote about the “living hope” we have in Christ that shapes how we live in a world at odds with those following Jesus Christ and seeking to live according to the Word of God.

Join us this summer as we dive into 1 & 2 Peter and hear what God had to say, through Peter, to Christians living in the midst of a non-Christian culture nearly 2000 years ago – and what He has to say to us today to encourage, challenge, and equip us to faithfully follow Jesus Christ.

Audio & Video

Week 1: The First Persecution

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor

Video | Audio


Main Passage: Acts 4:5-13

Supporting Passage: Acts 3, Matt 10:19-20, 2 Tim 3:12

Week 2: Our Hope

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | Apr 23, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 1:1-12

Week 3: Living for God

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 7, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 1:13-21

Additional Passages: Leviticus 19-12, Hebrews 12

Week 4: Loving & Longing

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 14, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3

Additional Passages: John 13:34-35


Week 5: The House that God Built

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 21, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-10

Additional Passages: 1 Thess 4:13-14; 1 Kings 8:27; Luke 4; Eph 2:4-5, 19-21; John 10:10, 14:6; 1 Cor 1:27-31; Acts 4; Psalm 118; Isa 28


Week 6: Living from a New Identity

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 28, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 2:11-17

Additional Passages: Gen. 4:7; Matt. 5:16; Acts 4; Gal 5:1; John 13:35


Week 7: Reflecting Jesus When Others Treat Us Poorly

Eric Fridge, Elder | June 4, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 2:18-25


Week 8: Living Out of Our New Identity in Our Marriage

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 11, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 3:1-7


Week 9: Living in Light of Christ’s Victory

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 18, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-22

Additional Passages: 1 Peter 2:11-12; Philippians 2:3; Luke 6:27-28; Psalm 34; Matthew 10:28; Ephesians 6:12; Genesis 6; Revelation 18


Week 10: The Example and the End

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 25, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 4:1-11

Additional Passages: Acts 4; 1 Pet 1:3-5, 1:13, 3:18; John 12:27-28, 15:20; Rom 6:6, 9-11


Week 11: Suit Up!

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 2, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: Ephesians 6:10-20

Additional Passages: Eph 2:1-10, 4:17-24; Isa 11:5, 59:17; 2 Cor 4:4; 1 Cor 1:30-31; 1 Pet 5:8-9; Matt 4; Heb 4:12; Ps 119:11


Week 12: Ringing Bouys. Rejoicing Followers.

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 9, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 4:12-19

Additional Passages: 1 Peter 1:6-7; Matthew 5:10-12; Acts 16; Proverbs 11; Hebrews 12:5-7; Matthew 13:49-50; Romans 10:8-9;


Week 13: Leaders Go First!

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 16, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 5:1-5

Additional Passages: Ezekiel 9:8, 34:2-4; John 21:16; Psalm 23:1-2; 2 Timothy 4:7-8; John 13:12-15; Phil 2:3-7


Week 14: 

Andy Garcia, Student Pastor | July 23, 2023

Video | Audio


Main Passage: 1 Peter 5:5-15

Additional Passages: John 16:33; 1 Pet 2:24-25; 1 Pet 3:18; James 4:7; Col 2:13-15; Hebrews 12



Week 1: The First Persecution

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor


Main Passage: Acts 4:5-13

Supporting Passage: Acts 3, Matt 10:19-20, 2 Tim 3:12


  1. Common People. One of the wonderful things about the Bible is that God hasn’t always use the best, most educated, cream of the crop. He’s used shepherd boys, the youngest child in a family, 80-year old men past their prime, fishermen, prostitutes, tax collectors, and more. How does this encourage you? How has God used common, ordinary people to impact your life or the lives of those you love.
  2. Persecution. Why do you think Peter and John were arrested and brought before the leaders? What did they do wrong? Consider Acts 4:19-20.  What would you have done if you had been in Peter and John’s place?
  3. Holy Spirit.  What do we learn about the promised role of the Holy Spirit in our lives? How have you trusted the Holy Spirit to give you boldness and the words to share in your life? Share this with someone today and/or follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit today to speak the truth of the Gospel boldly to those around you.
  4. Salvation.  What are the areas in our lives or world that offer to heal, help, or save us from where we find ourselves? Which of these are most alluring and tempting to you and have/do lead you to take your eyes off of Jesus Christ, the true cornerstone? How have you come to understand Jesus as the true cornerstone and the only way to salvation? Have you? 


Week 2: Our Hope

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | Apr 23, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 1:1-12


  1. Rejoicing in Suffering. Because of the living hope we have through the resurrection of Jesus Christ and our inheritance in heaven, Peter says we can rejoice in the midst of suffering. Can you think of either another Christian or a time in your own life where you/they found joy in the midst of suffering because of this hope? How does “keeping the end in mind” help walk through life’s trials?
  2. Even Though We Can’t See. Peter’s readers, like us, had never seen Jesus, yet they believed in him and loved him.  Share with someone why you love and believe in Jesus Christ. How does your faith in Jesus, despite not seeing him, help you hold fast to the promise of our inheritance in heaven?
  3. Longed to Look.  On this side of the Cross, we get to see what the prophets prophecied about – what they hoped for! Looking back, we see that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, that Scripture promised.  When you consider the prophecies Christ fulfilled, which ones have been the most helpful in your own faith in Jesus Christ?   

Week 3: Living for God

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 7, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 1:13-21

Additional Passages: Leviticus 19-12, Hebrews 12


  1. Therefore. Consider the first part of 1 Peter 1 and particularly the truths of vs 3-5 and all that God has done for us: we are born again and we have an eternal inheritance waiting for us in heaven.  If you’ve never shared with your group of when you were born again – placed your faith in Jesus Christ – share that with your group tonight.  If you have, then share a way in which you have come to value the eternal inheritance being kept for you in heaven.
  2. Preparation and Conduct. Why does Peter begin the call to live as God calls us to (to be holy as he is holy) with the need to “prepare our minds” and “be sober-minded”? What biblical truths have you hidden in your heart and mind to help you prepare to live the life God has called you to? How have you worked to remain “sober minded” in following Jesus, when we have a world and an enemy who works tirelessly to distract, discourage, and disorient us?   
  1. God’s role vs Our role.  Consider what Peter says about God’s roll in our salvation in vs. 3-21.  What does it mean that our hope is set on a grace to come and that our faith and hope are in God? Peter also talks about our conduct and our call to live holy lives.  Why does it matter that our actions are a response, not a pre-cursor, to God’s grace and mercy? Why is this easy or hard for us to live out?

Week 4: Loving & Longing

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 14, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 Additional Passages: John 16:34-35


  1. Loving. Are you loving others out of obedience to God’s call to love your neighbor as yourself? Is this something you’re doing sincerely and genuinely?  We start here by submitting our will to God’s call in His Word.  Then, from there, how are you doing loving others earnestly, from a pure heart that has been changed by and is being purified by God’s Word and the Good News of the Gospel?
  2. God’s Word. Read how Peter describes God’s Word in 1 Peter 1:23-25.  What does it mean that God’s Word is living and abiding? What is the connection between God’s word and the Gospel?
  1. Longing.  What do you long for?  What do you crave in the same way that an inconsolable, crying newborn baby cries for their mother’s milk?  What is it that you find your heart and mind desiring above all else? Is it God’s Word or is something of this world – the latest Netflix series, a book, a podcast, time alone, more money, etc? Peter indicates here that it is a choice that we have to throw off these other things and long for God’s Word. Where we spend our time and energy is what we crave and we can loose our “desire” for things by putting them out of our lives.  What do you need to do this week to throw off the things in 2:1 and to long for God’s Word? 


Week 5: The House that God Built

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 21, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-10 Additional Passages: 1 Thess 4:13-14; 1 Kings 8:27; Luke 4; Eph 2:4-5, 19-21; John 10:10, 14:6; 1 Cor 1:27-31; Acts 4; Psalm 118; Isa 28


  1. Jesus was rejected by others.  We are told we too will be rejected for believing in Jesus. Why is this important as a Christian?
  2. God doesn’t build with dead stones, but living stones.  We are living stones who get our life from Christ.  What does this mean for us as we live for God?
  3. God doesn’t force people, against their wills, to place their faith in Him.  What does this mean for us as Christ followers?
  4. God has given us a new identity and purpose: as his temple, a chosen people, a holy priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession.  What does this mean for us as followers of Christ?


Week 6: Living from a New Identity

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | May 28, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 2:11-17

Additional Passages: Gen. 4:7; Matt. 5:16; Acts 4; Gal 5:1; John 13:35


  1. How well do you know what Scripture says about your identity in Christ? Do you understand it? How does it change the way you live?
  2. What sins do you need to avoid or cast off? Are you more susceptible to direct warfare or “my enemy is really my friend” deception? In what areas of your life are these true?
  3. Do you know how you are called to live as a Christ follower? What are the good deeds you are called to?
  4. Do you desire, above your own comfort and benefit, that others would come to know Jesus through you and God would be glorified?


Week 7: Reflecting Jesus When Others Treat Us Poorly

Eric Fridge, Elder | June 4, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 2:18-25



Week 8: Living Out of Our New Identity in Our Marriage

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 11, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 3:1-7


  1. What is the connection between trusting God and submitting to Him first?
  2. What is the role of submission in the Christian life? In relationship to Christ? To God’s Word? To one another?
  3. What is the purpose and the limit of submission?
  4. What does submission look like for a wife in this passage? What does submission look like for a husband in this passage?
  5. How might God use a husband or wives’ submission to bring their spouse to Christ?



Week 9: Living in Light of Christ’s Victory

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 18, 2023

Main Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-22

Additional Passages: 1 Peter 2:11-12; Philippians 2:3; Luke 6:27-28; Psalm 34; Matthew 10:28; Ephesians 6:12; Genesis 6; Revelation 18


  1. Have you placed your faith in Christ for the forgiveness of your sin, that Christ might bring you to God?
  2. Have you declared to yourself and others – through baptism – what Christ has done for you?
  3. Are you living courageously and boldly for Christ in this world?



Week 10: Enough Already & The End

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 25, 2023

Main Passage: 1 Peter 4:1-11

Additional Passages: Acts 4; 1 Pet 1:3-5, 1:13, 3:18; John 12:27-28, 15:20; Rom 6:6, 9-11


  1. Have you said “enough already” to the passions of your flesh and this world? If not, what is stopping you from making that decision? Are you still holding on to old parts of your former life?
  2. Are you living with the end in mind? Where could you love others more deeply and faithfully?
  3. How are you using the gifts – whether spoken or serving – to bless God’s church and help others come to know Christ? If you need to connect with a staff member to figure out where your fits can be used in the church, do that today!


Week 11: Suit Up!

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 2, 2023

Main Passage: Ephesians 6:10-20

Additional Passages: Eph 2:1-10, 4:17-24; Isa 11:5, 59:17; 2 Cor 4:4; 1 Cor 1:30-31; 1 Pet 5:8-9; Matt 4; Heb 4:12; Ps 119:11


  1. Are you aware of the spiritual battle going on around you and the schemes of the devil? Are you aware that your battle is against the devil and his minions, not against other people?
  2. Have you put on the whole armor of God? Have you suited up? Are you standing in God’s truth, righteousness, the Good News of the Gospel, faith in Christ alone, the promise of salvation, and the power of God’s Word? Which of these areas do you need to grow in, to go deeper in, that you might stand firm?
  3. Are you constantly in prayer – for yourself, for others – for God to grant wisdom, boldness, and the words to say? Are you praying that you would rely on God’s strength as you resist the schemes of the devil? Who are you praying for by name? Who have you asked to pray for you?


Week 12: Ringing Bouys. Rejoicing Followers.

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 9, 2023


Main Passage: 1 Peter 4:12-19

Additional Passages: 1 Peter 1:6-7; Matthew 5:10-12; Acts 16; Proverbs 11; Hebrews 12:5-7; Matthew 13:49-50; Romans 10:8-9;


  1. Are you living for Christ or for yourself? Are you suffering because you’re living in the flesh or because you’re remaining faithful to Christ, regardless of the cost? Do you have new life in Christ? If not, read Romans 10:8-9.  If you do, but you’ve not been walking faithfully in the new life you have in him, then take a look at 1 John 1:9-10.
  2. Are you remaining faithful to what God has called you to, regardless of the cost? Are you retreating from faithfulness when life gets hard or are you persevering through difficulty to remain faithful?



Week 13: Leaders Go First!

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 16, 2023

Main Passage: 1 Peter 5:1-5

Additional Passages: Ezekiel 9:8, 34:2-4; John 21:16; Psalm 23:1-2; 2 Timothy 4:7-8; John 13:12-15; Phil 2:3-7


  1. Leaders: Are you leading willingly? Are you leading eagerly? Are you setting an example in the way you follow Christ and serve others? Are you caring for those that Christ has given you care of?
  2. Followers: Are you following willingly? Are you following eagerly? Are you faithfully following Christ, the chief Shepherd, and placing yourself under the leaders God has for you to help you grow and walk faithfully?



Week 14: 

Andy Garcia, Student Pastor | July 23, 2023

Main Passage: 1 Peter 5:5-15

Additional Passages: John 16:33; 1 Pet 2:24-25; 1 Pet 3:18; James 4:7; Col 2:13-15; Hebrews 12


  1. REST: Is the Good News good enough for you? Do you know the Father’s care for you?
  2. RESIST: Is your faith in yourself to resist the devil or is your faith in Christ in you?
  3. REJOICE: Are you trusting that He who started the work in your will complete it? Are you rejoicing in that hope and the hope to come?



Week 1: The First Persecution

Additional Resources:

ESV Scripture Journal – lined version | illuminated version

Map: Region of Galilee

Week 2: Our Hope

Additional Resources:

“Did Jesus Fulfill Old Testament Prophecy”, Josh McDowell Ministries

Map of 1 Peter Recipients, “Introduction to 1st Peter”, The Gospel Coalition

Week 3: Living for God

Additional Resources:

“Topical Memory System” by The Navigators

Week 4: Loving & Longing

Additional Resources:

“Households of Faith” Report from Barna Research

“Katharos” – Blue Letter Bible

“Adolos” – Blue Letter Bible


Week 5: The House that God Built

Additional Resources:

The House that Ruth Built


Week 6: Living from a New Identity

Additional Resources:

“The Other Genevan: Rousseau the & the Rise of the Modern Mind”, Dr. Carl Trueman (Edinburgh Theological Seminary)

Freedom in Christ Ministries


Week 7: Reflecting Jesus When Others Treat Us Poorly

Eric Fridge, Elder | June 4, 2023

Additional Resources:


Week 8: Living Out of Our New Identity in Our Marriage

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 11, 2023

Additional Resources:

Gospel Shaped Life:

Presentation Slides

Grace Lyon’s Testimony


Week 9: Living in Light of Christ’s Victory

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 18, 2023

Additional Resources:

Walk through of 1 Peter 3:18-22 with Pastor Daniel

Father’s Impact on Their Kids (Fox News Article)


Week 10: The Example and the End

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | June 25, 2023

Additional Resources:

Dunham Bible Museum

What’s your SHAPE? A Spiritual Gift and Strength’s Assessment

Final Slide – Two Points & Questions for Application


Week 11: Suit Up!

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 2, 2023

Additional Resources:


The Armor of God


Week 12: Ringing Buoys. Rejoicing Followers.

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 9, 2023

Additional Resources:

Buoys: Guideposts of the Sea

Josh McDowell, More than a Carpenter


Week 13: Leaders Go First!

Dr. Daniel Ostendorff, Lead Pastor | July 16, 2023

Additional Resources:

Terry A. Smith, The Hospitable Leader (The Hitler-Bonheoffer mis-leader story)

Pastor Wang Yi story (2019)

Pastor Bhatti story


Week 14: 

Andy Garcia, Student Pastor | July 23, 2023

Additional Resources:

The Devil’s Activity in Scripture – from “Satan: Is he? Who is he?”, John MacArthur


Wed Reflections



“Who I am in Christ” (Webpage | PDF), Freedom in Christ Ministries

“What is the Truth” (PDF | PDF+Worksheet), Freedom in Christ Ministries